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Don't hesitate to reach out to us! Give us a call at 802-244-8771 or send us an email at info@coldhollow.com.
Don't hesitate to reach out to us! Give us a call at 802-244-8771 or send us an email at info@coldhollow.com.
Not really…we let you explore our Cider Mill at your own pace. Everything is free and self-guided, and we encourage you to take your time and enjoy. We’re open to the public during our regular business hours 7 days a week. No reservations required. Simply enter the cider mill and follow the painted apples on the floor to the press room for a FREE sample of our fresh cider – while you watch it being made! When we’re not pressing, a video shows the whole process.
No, because we don’t have an apple orchard on-site (though we do have a “solar orchard” of panels that helps power our Mill!). We love apple picking, too, and you’ll find a complete list of “pick-your-own-apples” sites at the Vermont Department of Agriculture’s website. Just click this link: http://www.vermontapples.org/vermont-orchard-listing/
We partner closely with several orchards spanning the shore of Lake Champlain. They provide our favorite top quality McIntosh apples, as well as the other varieties we insist on in order to produce our uniquely delicious fresh cider. By the way, if you look out back we do have a “solar orchard” of panels that help power our Mill.
A lot! We’re delighted to report that the solar panels in our “solar orchard” generate enough renewable energy to provide over 60% of power to our cider mill. Which helps keep the Green Mountains green.
There’s a huge difference, and you can taste it. Apple cider is 100% pure juice squeezed from the apple. Nothing added, nothing taken away. It’s a perishable product, needs to be refrigerated, and has a shelf life of about 6 weeks. Apple juice is whole different story: Generally speaking, it may have started as apple cider, but along the way all the pectin and fiber are filtered out, then water, artificial flavor, artificial coloring, sugar, and a bunch of preservatives are added. Not good. It’s then pasteurized at a very high temperature to make it shelf stable before being bottled. Look at the label…you’ll see that most apple juice in this country is made from concentrate that comes from overseas. Apple cider, on the other hand, is the real thing, made right here in the U.S. using local apples from local orchards. We think it’s important that people know where their food comes from and support local growers as much as possible…that’s what we do!
If our pressers are really cranking it out (and our customers are really thirsty) we can make up to 4,000 gallons a day the old fashioned way on our vintage rack-and-cloth press. One taste and you’ll agree that our older and somewhat slower process is more than just endearing…the old way just tastes better!